Posts tagged Bookstagram Book Tag
Book Tag: #54321Challenge

I love a good book tag challenge. It’s such an easy way to garner inspiration for your next post, whether it’s on a blog or your bookstagram account. I love how simply it sparks that creativity in me. I thought this one would be fun to participate in. So here are mine: books I love and will read soon, my autobuy authors, my favorite genres, and the places I love to read.

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Book Tag: #RelationshipStoryStack

My husband and I just celebrated our 5-year wedding anniversary! It’s hard to believe 5 years have passed already. And what feels like 100 years ago, my friend, Danielle (@foreverbookedup), tagged me in the #relationshipstorystack challenge and I thought what better way to showcase 5 years with my husband than to try this challenge out. Let me tell you, it was kind of hard! But also fun. Here's what I've come up with!

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