My Reading Journey & Backstory

Have you ever thought back through your journey to reading? Or maybe you’ve always been a consistent reader. I was just thinking about mine the other day and noticed certain catalysts that set (and reset) my reading journey into motion. And I thought why not put pen to paper, or rather, hands to keyboard and record that story of mine! I love looking back and mapping out particular paths of my life. It’s so interesting to examine and consolidate in hindsight!

My Reading Journey

So I first got into reading really because of Harry Potter. I know … probably cliche (and yikes Rowling) but … it’s true. I can honestly say the reason I love to read is because of the Harry Potter books. It was the first fantasy series that I remember reading growing up and I was instantly hooked. The world, the characters, the story overall … I couldn’t put the books down! When I started reading them, the first 4 were out and I just ate them up. The Wizarding World was one that I’d always wanted to live in but never really knew it could exist, even in a fantasy world. It was one of those ah-ha moments that instantly made me a reader and a fantasy reader at that.

Yes, I’ve even read the screenplays for the prequels, the Tales of Beedle the Bard aaaand the story with the trio’s kiddos. I love them all. Those paperbacks have seen better days and have been read and reread so many times. One day I’ll actually get a new, matching set … 😂 one day!


I occasionally read books at that time, especially for school, but wouldn’t have considered myself a ‘reader’, if you know what I mean. Most of those were classics including To Kill A Mockingbird (still one of my absolute favorites until this day), The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.

Around the same time, I was also a big Jodi Picoult and Patricia Cornwell fan. Tami Hoag and Sandra Brown, too. Oh and Nicolas Sparks! Jodi’s books were always so dynamic and unpredictable and emotional. And I loved the mystery and spice in Cornwell, Brown, and Hoag’s books! Sparks’ always wrote the most beautiful and tragic love stories.

It took me a long time to find another fantasy author and series to get into. I remember finding Goodreads back then before the internet was really a thing but never signed up for it for some reason (😂)! Looking back, I totally should l have (and wish I did)!

As I got older and life got fuller, I wasn’t reading as much and sometimes not at all — I was doing maybe a series or two and standalone per year. It wasn’t much. But I did read some popular fantasy series during this time: Twilight, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, The Mortal Instruments and a few others. None of them quite stacked up to HP in my book but I definitely enjoyed them, The Mortal Instruments especially. But always during this time, I remember finding myself wanting to read more and really get back into reading. There was also a teeny tiny period of time around here where I was reading a lot of self-help books because they were the only thing helping me cope and manage my stress level with my intense 9-5pm corporate job at the time (which I have since happily left).


Then, at the end of 2019, my husband and I had gotten pregnant, but we sadly had an early miscarriage. And, I knew for sure then, I had to make reading a priority so I could help myself cope with that loss and also keep my mind busy and on other things. I’d also been dabbling in blogging a bit by then but in a different niche but had always loved bookstagram, so I finally decided to go for it myself and started my own little bookish corner of the internet!

Almost 2 years later now and it feels like no time has gone by and I’ve read SO MANY good books. As of today, I’ve read a total of 143 books since I started my bookstagram account!

Here are a few that still stand out to me today.

from 2020

from 2021 (so far)

My husband and I are still avidly trying to get pregnant again. It’s not been an easy journey for us, but we still have hope. And I’ve got my books and a whole community of readers online and offline I get to connect with on daily basis. I would say that my journey back to reading has been a success and I can’t wait to see what the coming years have to bring.

What’s your reading journey been like?


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Oh hey, friend!

I’m Leah. Cozy connoisseur and bountiful book buyer. I have a minor obsession with getting lost in the pages of a good book, guzzling coffee, and thriving at home. Yoga pants, wine, and essential oils are also my jam. I'm truly just a homebody at heart with a knack for content creation, flatlays & cozy shots. This is my creative space.


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