Series Review: The PAN Trilogy by Jenny Hickman

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The PAN Trilogy by Jenny Hickman

If you’re looking for a unique Peter Pan retelling with a modern, sci-fi twist, found family, and an upper YA romance, look no further!! The PAN Trilogy by Jenny Hickman is EXACTLY what you’ve been looking for. With an urban yet magical feel, lost boys who will make you stress and swoon⁣ all at once⁣, and a mysterious sci-fi twist that will keep you hooked (no pun intended 😅), this is 100% the next fantasy series to binge! And even better, all of the books are out and available, so those pesky cliffhangers can just fly, fly away. Keep reading for a look deeper at the series and why you’ll love it if you’re a fan of fairy tale retellings and Peter Pan!

AUTHOR: Jenny Hickman

GENRE: Retellings, Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Young Adult (upper)



  1. The P.A.N. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  2. The H.O.O.K ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  3. The CROC ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

RETELLING: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

DIVERSITY: ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽💚🎗

STEAM: 🔥🔥🔥/5


ALL THE FEELS: 💧💧💧💧💧/5


Blog Contents

The Story

The Characters


Content Warnings

Overall Thoughts

The Pan Trilogy Aesthetic

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The Story


The basic storyline: Just before her 18th birthday, Vivienne is hospitalized with unidentifiable and baffling symptoms that no one can seem to explain. Her new friend, Deacon, claims she has an active Nevergene, and in order to avoid becoming a human lab rat for the evil H.O.O.K corporation, she must come away with him to Neverland where she’ll ultimately be safe, will learn how to fly, and find out more about herself and her past at Neverland’s Kensington Academy.

This series is filled with drama, angst, and all the feels. There is a definite high school and also sophisticated academy vibe to the tale while also being character-driven. There’s flying. There’s magic. There’s whimsy. There’s also a love story that will make you swoon! You can expect a sci-fi element, mysterious laboratory, a stealth and covert ops factor, a hidden world, an evil plot, AND PETER PAN.

This story is a retelling, rather than a continuation, of the Peter Pan fairy tale and is retold as if Peter Pan existed in our modern world and the ability to fly and to be considered a “PAN” was determined by genetics (I LOVE this part!!). Set between the northeast and London and perpetually (in the best way) around the holidays, the overall feel of this story is SO COZY. You'll just want to snuggle up by the roaring hearth under a fuzzy blanket with dry socks (IYKYK) and hot cocoa and binge to your heart’s content.

A Note From Jenny: “This is NOT a Peter Pan sequel. Instead, this book builds a world where Peter Pan exists in the 21st century. It brings together Vivienne and Deacon’s lives, setting them on a journey together that promises adventure—and love—if they can learn to trust and overcome the many secrets haunting their pasts.”

The Characters

So, we’ve got our two main, main characters, Vivienne and Deacon, and a collection of loveable (and maybe not so lovable 😂) sidekicks!

Vivienne, our independent and sassy MC, is determined and brave, willing to sacrifice herself for the safety and security of others and the PAN.

Deacon is a dumb lost boy who really just doesn’t get it sometimes, but you love him for it and swoon over the way he loves Vivienne and protects her at all costs.

Emily is the ultimate BFF, a friend you’d always want in your corner! Max is great too!!

Ethan, Deacon’s best friend, who does ultimately love him to pieces and like a brother, sometimes doesn’t appear to have his best interests at heart. Nicola, Ethan’s current girlfriend and also one of Deacon’s exes, works on the ops side of things in Neverland and seems to be trustworthy. . .

Lyle, Vivienne’s foster brother, is a bit strange and I’m still just not sure about him lol.

Gwen + Aoibheann are two dumb and very jealous lost girls. You know, the mean ones who won’t back off, play nice or let go. Yeah, them.

Peter Pan + The OG Gang, of lost boys, also referred to as Leadership, are essentially very old and slow to action and a bit set in their ways. Peter Pan is the obvious favorite of the bunch.

Lee Somerfield + His Rebellious Faction, of PAN, who are looking for change in the strict confines of Neverland and Neverland’s policies.

While told in 3rd person, our main points of view throughout the series come from Vivienne and Deacon mostly. We get a few extra views towards the end!


❤️ - SLOW BURN, SWEET, AND a little sassy!

While not completely open door, this upper, more mature YA romance manages to still be tingly good without being explicit. Would I still love an NA version? Heck to the YES!

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Content Warnings

All of these are quite mild and what I’d consider potential triggers. There’s nothing egregious in this story whatsoever. It’s, overall, incredibly wholesome and pure.

Meddling exes - This plays a key role in part of the overall plotline.

The idea of unwanted impregnation and miscarriage - Seen partially on-screen from lab footage. It’s an important backstory for one character in particular.

Death of family members - While off-page, it’s an underlying theme and important element of the story.

Murder - Again, off-page, but the idea of it is there and feels worth mentioning.

Overall Thoughts

Growing up, Peter Pan was my absolute FAVORITE fairy tale. I would watch the Disney movie on repeat according to my family when I was a wee one (I could still probably do that, ha!). When I was old enough, I became interested in the OG book by JM Barrie. I think I read that around my time in high school. Otherwise, I’d never read a retelling before, although I’d seen plenty (if not all) of the movie reimaginings! And this fantasy book series retelling by Jenny Hickman was just as amazing and so unique. I couldn’t have asked for better. The sci-fi twist and biology factor intrigued me so much! I’m still actively waiting for my Nevergene to kick in!!

Jenny has a knack for creating binge-worthy stories that are hard to put down! She works her magic in creating a perfectly crafted, unguessable, fast-paced, action-packed, swoon-worthy plotline that will leave you on the edge of your seat for the entire series. Plus those cliffhanger endings are a doozy! The chapters are short and the writing is also so smooth.

I just loved and am so thankful to have been a part of this world and the P.A.N.dom from just about the very beginning. Deacon and Vivienne's love story is one of my favorites and this Peter Pan retelling will forever hold a special place in my heart. It's just one of those stories that feels like home. ⁣Thank you to Jenny and Midnight Tide Publishing for my early and #gifted copies of The HOOK and The CROC.

The PAN Trilogy Aesthetic

After I finished the series and to prep this blog review, I put together a little aesthetic mood board on Pinterest about the story. I’ve also included some of my favorite images below. I feel like it’s equal parts whimsy and modern sci-fi.

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I’m Leah. Cozy connoisseur and bountiful book buyer. I have a minor obsession with getting lost in the pages of a good book, guzzling coffee, and thriving at home. Yoga pants, wine, and essential oils are also my jam. I'm truly just a homebody at heart with a knack for content creation, flatlays & cozy shots. This is my creative space.


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